Cannalogue Accepts Payment by Visa Debit


Cannalogue now accepts payment by Visa Debit.  You can purchase medical cannabis products on using Visa Debit for delivery to home in Canada (direct from the supplier).

What is Visa Debit?

Visa Debit gives you the ability to make purchases on Cannalogue using your debit card instead of a credit card.  At checkout, simply add your Visa Debit card and follow the instructions on the prompt to complete your checkout with Visa Debit on Cannalogue.


What are the advantages to Visa Debit?

Effective October 6, 2022 some businesses may implement surcharges if credit cards are used to process purchases.  Using debt to pay for everyday essential items, particularly those that are recurring may result in higher expenses in the long-term.  Although some credit card providers incentivize clients with rewards programs including cashbacks to utilize high-interest debt credit cards to process purchases, this practise leaves the consumer with less money in their pocket.  Credit card providers generally charge 2-3% (and some more) of the total purchase to process the transaction using a credit card.  This variable rate (as opposed to a fixed rate) results in significant losses for businesses or gains for credit card providers depending on your views.  It does not make sense when Visa Debit is here, and you have a sufficient balance in your debit account to purchase recurring essential items like medical cannabis products.


Are there additional fees with Visa Debit?

Some institutions may not charge for Visa Debit purchases.  Please speak with your financial institution.  By using your debit card to process online purchases using Visa Debit, you may save considerably in the long run.  No excess fees, no high-interest debt cashback programs, just utilize the convenience offered by providers of Visa Debit such as Cannalogue.


What are the disadvantages of Visa Debit?

The funds to process the purchase are removed from your bank account, not your credit card.  This implies that you have sufficient funds in your account to do so.  If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, then Visa Debit may not be for you.  However, if you do, you can minimize your exposure to high-interest debt from credit cards by using Visa Debit including all the additional perks that come with it.


Do you have a Visa Debit logo on your debit card?

Then you may be eligible to purchase medical cannabis products on Cannalogue with your Visa Debit card.


Are you still unsure about Visa Debit?

Speak with your financial institution.  It could make financial sense.  Cannalogue is here to help.


Want to test Visa Debit?

Are you a new patient? Want to take Visa Debit on Cannalogue for a test ride?

Patients that have registered after October 6, 2022 can get a $25 gift card to use on Cannalogue.

Please use code: VISADEBIT at checkout.  Click here to sign up.




-Team Cannalogue